While you all are on a disgusting emotional hangover from Bachelor Pad last night (if you watch that sort of thing...which I can't stop doing because I have the brain damage), I have good news!
CBS, the network for super old people, has been quietly airing a not-awful dating show online called "3".
Yes. The number 3. Which, as we all know, is super easy to search on the Internet.
Anyway, the show focuses on three (3!) women who are dating a bunch of dudes in order to find a potential mate. So not too terribly different than other dating shows. But! The difference between this show and other dating shows is that the women--gasp!--actually support one another on their journey.
Yes, they're all dating multiple men (because there are more than enough to go around! Imagine!), and then checking in with each other as they go through the process together. No competition. Just treating other women as friends in this little thing we call "life."
I mean, when was the last time you watched a dating show and realized you had a huge grin on your face because it was so NICE!??! There is no douchiness, and if there is, the women kindly help each other to spot it.
In fact, it's just kind of funny how, like, if you put people in an environment where they're expected to be decent human beings to each other, THEY'LL ACT LIKE DECENT HUMAN BEINGS.
My favorite little budding romance? Type-A Joe (of No More Harvard Debt fame) and free-spirited April. I mean, they're just smitten with each other, and it's adorbz and neither one has to do some sort of canned speech ("I think I might maybe perhaps be totally falling for you in the almost love kind of way") because the rest of America can't know yet what the ending is.
Anyway, if you are under 65 and haven't checked out CBS.com lately, you should. Do it!